Climate Resources


Climate change is very complex. The basics are simple: greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere trap the sun’s warmth. With no GHGs, the surface of the Earth would be the temperature of space – but with too many GHGs, the Earth gets very, very warm. The amount of GHGs in the atmosphere has always gone up and down over time, and the temperature went up and down with it. But something very important happened in the mid-late 1800s: humans started burning fossil fuels to create electricity, move vehicles and support industries. Burning those fossil fuels – including coal, oil, and natural gas – made it so GHGs increased over time. In “pre-industrial” times, the amount of CO2 (the most prevalent GHG) was around 270 parts per million (ppm), but now it’s over 415 ppm. Other GHGs, like methane and hydrofluorocarbons, have also increased. Our atmosphere continues to warm as a result, and is about 1.2°C (2.0°F) higher than it was in the 1870s.

Growing GHGs and rising temperatures have a plethora of consequences, from stronger storms to more heat waves to migration and economic damage. The following resources cover the basics of climate change and its many impacts. 

Another list with disability rights info and organizations is available on our disability resources page. If you have any suggested resources, please reach out to!

General Climate Change

Climate News

Natural Disasters



Economic Impacts

Public Health